Land Acknowledgment

In the Spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, Children’s Aid Society of Algoma acknowledges that we are gathered today on the customary and traditional lands of the Anishinaabe and Cree First Nations throughout Algoma.

We acknowledge the land, the first nation, metis and Inuit peoples and recognize and respect Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the lands of Canada. We acknowledge and respect the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories from time immemorial.

Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services

Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services provides child welfare and prevention services to seven Anishinaabe First Nations communities represented by the North Shore Tribal Council located between Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury, Ontario. These communities include Whitefish Lake, Sagamok Anishnawbek, Serpent River, Mississauga, Thessalon, Garden River and Batchewana.

The integration of tradition and culture is a key component of Nogdawindamin’s programming. To aid in integrating tradition and culture, Nogdawindamin receives guidance and support from their Elder’s Council. The Seven Sacred Teachings form the foundation for all aspects of service delivery for the agency. Respect, one of the seven teachings, is integrated into all aspects of service delivery.  Inherent in the service delivery model is the importance of knowing Anishinawbe history, language and culture, and its connection to building a strong sense of identity and knowing one’s place in creation.

The trailblazing work of Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services is clearing a path for inspiring, ground-breaking work that helps, heals, and changes lives.

The Children’s Aid Society of Algoma is honoured to work alongside Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services.


Indigenous Identity and Heritage

Our Commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

On June 6, 2017, the Ontario child welfare sector unanimously agreed to prioritize Reconciliation with Indigenous communities through nine key commitments. Each Children’s Aid Society (CAS) has committed to:

Reduce Children In Care

Reduce the number of Indigenous children in care.

Reduce the Number of Legal Files

Reduce the number of legal files involving Indigenous children and families.

Formal Customary Care Agreements

Increase the use of formal customary care* agreements.

Indigenous Representation and Involvement

Ensure Indigenous representation and involvement at the local Board of Directors.

Staff Training

Implement mandatory Indigenous training for staff.

Jordan’s Principle

Change their inter-agency protocol to include Jordan’s Principle** as a fundamental principle.

Develop a Unique Agency-Based Plan

In consultation with the Indigenous communities, develop a unique agency-based plan to better address the needs of the children and families from those communities.

Develop Relationships

Continue to develop relationships between their agency and the local Indigenous communities.

Historical Files

Assist those individuals wanting to see their historical files by accessing and providing the information they request.

*Customary care leaves the responsibility for the care of the child with the Indigenous community.

**Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle aimed at ensuring that services to First Nations children are not denied, delayed, or disrupted due to jurisdictional disputes. The principle is named for Jordan River Anderson, a young boy from Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba. Learn more here.