Continued Care & Support for Youth
Continue Care & Support for Youth (CCSY) aims to help youth support themselves to live on their own, access counselling, and other supports and programs.
Additional Supports for Youth
There are many support programs for young people who have been in the care of a Children’s Aid Society. Youth who have been in the care of a Children’s Aid Society, or who are leaving care, can contact their society for more information about the programs available.
Here are some programs youth can ask about:
- Continued Care and Support for Youth
- Voluntary Youth Service Agreement
- Aftercare Benefits Initiative
- Transition and Life Skills programs
- Registered Education Savings Plan
- Support for Post-Secondary Education and Training
- Mentorship and Orientation programs
Additional information about these programs can be found here.
For more information about Continue Care & Support for Youth (CCSY), please visit this link.
Ontario Extends Moratorium on Youth Aging Out of Care
Ontario is extending the moratorium on youth aging out of care to maintain supports and services for youth whose care arrangements are scheduled to expire during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This moratorium on youth aging out is now extended until September 30, 2022. This extension ensures youth in care have a longer period of security with consistent support and services during the ongoing pandemic.
During this time, the government intends to develop a model that is more responsive to the needs of young people in and from care. Ontario will be working with youth and child welfare advocates over the next year to explore options for a redesigned approach on how we can better support youth as they transition from care to adulthood.